Happy Valentines day!!
I had a lovely valentines day despite feeling rather ill! Mat gave me a lovely card and a wooden spoon that he’d carved out of a piece of wood!
This was followed by a lovely meal Mat made of Tomato, spinach and mascarpone pasta with salad and garlic bread!
Ever since I was at school, Valentine’s day had this certain excitement about it – would I get a card and a big bunch of roses from my ‘secret admirer’?! Of course this never happened! But I didn’t become cynical or anti-Valentine’s because of it. Yes, its all a big money making scheme for businesses and manufacturers and its over the top and cheesey – but isn’t Christmas and birthdays and Easter nowadays?
I can see the pro’s and con’s of Valentine’s day but I believe with all celebration days, it’s about how YOU make it that matters. No I don’t give in to the pretty little heart everything being sold in the shops and buy something really expensive and random just because its got a heart on it and says ‘Valentine’s day’ in the shop window! But that doesn’t stop me celebrating the day, whether it be with a partner or friends or family. I made Mat a card this year which was a collage of photographs with a short poem –
‘Love is war,
Be in my army,
and we will defeat,
And so there, I made my personal use of Valentine’s day without giving in to all the things some people hate about it!
There was lots of Valentines Baking this year also. I made a batch of Valentine’s cupcakes for Tiphanie at work.
My bestest friend in the world Jess also got a homemade card of pictures and also a batch of cupcakes! She text me at some ridiculous hour of the morning to say she was up because she was craving cupcakes so much that she had to get out of bed to get one!
And finally I made 2 ‘Valentine’s’ Carrot cakes – one for Mat’s mum/Jess’s dad (Jess and Mat are step brother and sister) and one that I took to work which I didn’t and won’t get to eat any of as I am now tucked up in bed ill :( but I hope my lovely colleagues enjoy it nonetheless!
I will be posting more pictures and recipes from my Valentine’s baking sesh!
Hope you all had a lovely day!